Month: February 2016

The All-Important Checklist for Web Application Testing

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The All-Important Checklist for Web Application Testing

Websites are usually client server applications which require testing to ensure that it brings complete satisfaction to the clients when they are using a particular web application. While testing a particular web application certain things are to be kept in mind which are as follows:

  • Functionality Testing: While testing for the functionality of the web application certain points are to be kept in mind. First of all you need to validate your HTML or CSS. Next you need to check the forms and their workability in the various pages of the web application along with the various cookies. Next comes the various links that are present on the webpage or website that you have created. Last but not the least is the database testing which checks the consistency of the database along with integrity.
  • Usability Testing: You have created your web application to be used by your customers so usability is an important part of the whole system which should be given special importance. Test the web application for easy navigation of the webpage so that smooth operation of the same is ensured. Next comes to the checking of the contents that make up the web page. It should be simple and easily understandable. Search option, sitemap, help files etc. should be present on the web application to help the users.
  • Interface Testing: While testing the interface you need to pay special heed to the interface between web server and application server and the interface between the application server and database server. You need to check the various interactions between these two interfaces as well as how the various errors are handled by them. Check for the various error messages if any and also what happens when the communications are stopped midways. Also you need to check that the error queries are properly generated by them.
  • Compatibility Testing: The compatibility testing for the web application includes checking for the compatibility of browsers, operating systems, compatibility with the mobile devices as well as the printing options available on the web application which should be customizable. Make sure that your web application is compatible with all the major browsers and operating systems to provide your users with freedom of choice. Also as more people are accessing the web on the mobile devices, you application should be easily accessible or browsed through the same.
  • Performance Testing: You never know what kind of traffic inflow you will have on your web application at any given day which makes performance testing very important for your web application. Stress test your application in order to make sure that your web application wouldn’t snap under excessive pressure and would return to its normal working condition even if it did snap. Load testing of the application is also important to make sure that the web application is capable of handling excessive load if required.
  • Security Testing: Your customers will be trusting you when they provide you with their personal details while they are using your web application and you have to make sure that these details are safe with you and would not be leaked. For this you need to make your web application is not prone to or can’t be easily hacked. Also check the CAPTCHA if you are applying any along with the SSL which is use as security measures and logging of all the error messages.

This is a complete all important check list for web application testing which will ensure that your web application runs smoothly and provides customers with complete satisfaction.

The Long Term Relation between Insurance Apps and Software Testing

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The long term relation between insurance apps and software testing

The software applications help insurance companies to make their processes efficient and run business smoothly. But the insurance applications are designed with features to facilitate a wide variety of activities including development of policy forms, payment processing, and facilitating intra-branch transactions. At the same time, the apps also need to store sensitive business and customer data securely, and deliver seamless customer service across a variety of devices. The features and functionality make insurance apps complex, and different from normal software applications. The insurance companies also need to assess all aspects of their apps to deliver quality customer service and effectuate business processes.

5 Reasons Why Insurance Applications Must Be Tested Continuously

1) Integration of Many Systems

In addition to being domain-specific software, the insurance application also includes a number of systems. For instance, an insurance application may include individual systems for insurance policy administration, claim management, risk management, investment management, and calculation and valuation of insurance policy. At the same time, it also provides detailed and updated information to users according to the Compliance and Regulatory. So the overall functionality and performance of the application depend on the quality of each integrated system. A company must perform elaborate integration testing each time an integrated system is modified or updated.

2) Need to Test Each Unit Rigorously

As noted earlier, each insurance app is designed by integrating a number of systems. Each of these systems is designed as independent units, and integrated with other units subsequently. Often insurance companies integrate new units into the application to automate new activities. So each of these units must be tested independently and as part of the application. The insurance company must deploy testers to identify and eliminate all bugs in individual units. Likewise, it must get the systems tested after the integration to ensure that the app performs seamlessly.

3) Changes in Regulation and Guideline

Unlike generic software, an insurance app must deliver accurate, exact and updated information to each user. So the company needs to ensure that the application delivers information according to the latest regulations and guidelines issued by the Compliance and Regulatory. Also, the insurance companies must make changes to the insurance apps immediately to accommodate the new guidelines and regulations. Each time any changes are made to the app or individual systems, it becomes essential for testers to repeat all tests without any delay. Thus, the company need to ensure that the insurance application is tested thoroughly each time the rules change.

4) Security of Business and Customer Data

The insurance applications are also designed to store and deliver a wide variety of data. The application will enables employees and vendors to access a large amount of business data. At the same time, it will also store sensitive information of customers, and allow them to access updated information. So the application must be designed with advanced security features and techniques. The testers further need to perform a variety of tests to ensure that the app can store and deliver sensitive information securely. They also need to review the source code of the application rigorously to ensure that it can combat the emerging security threats.

5) Focus on Functionality, Usability and Compatibility

Nowadays, most insurance companies allow their employees to bring and use their own devices. Likewise, the customers also access the web-based insurance apps on a variety of devices. So it becomes essential for the insurance company to ensure that the application delivers quality user experience across many devices. The company must deploy testers to assess the application’s functionality and performance across many devices. Also, the testers need to check the application’s user experience on individual devices. When the insurance app is tested continuously, it becomes easier for the company to deliver quality user experience and customer service.

On the whole, an insurance company can reap several benefits by testing its applications thoroughly and continuously. However, it is also important for the company to review and customize its software testing strategy at regular intervals to enhance the insurance app’s quality and user experience.

Smoke Testing – How and When to Perform?

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Smoke Testing - How and When to Perform?

The term “smoke testing” is derived from the tests conducted on hardware which detects if the hardware, in its initial phase, catches fire or smokes. In software testing, smoke test is done to detect if the software is stable and ready for being subjected to further in depth testing. Also known as the “build verification testing”, it is primarily used to detect if there are in problems with the important functionalities of the software in which case further testing would be a waste of both time and money.

Smoke testing is essentially done to create criteria based on which the QA would accept or reject the particular build of the software for further testing. It has many advantages like exposing various issues related to the integration of the various modules of the software which may have been introduced due to the code change. It helps in providing confidence that the code written or changes does not majorly affect the quality or workability of the software. Smoke testing also ensures that the problems that may have been introduced due to the new codes are detected early.

How to Perform Smoke Testing?

  1. As the procedure is related to the new codes written or changes brought about in the existing codes so it is important to be in contact with the developers to get a hang about the possible functional changes and interdependency changes brought about by it.
  2. A checklist is to be made to keep a track of all the changes that requires checking with the help of the process.
  3. Smoke tests usually points out the primary weak points of the software which prevent the software from working properly, hence a code review should be +done before smoke testing to get rid of the defects and faults of commission.
  4. It is performed with the help of pre written test codes or with the help of automated tools.
  5. Debugging should be done before smoke testing as it deals with only the functionality changes brought about by the changes in the code and should be done on a clean environment.
  6. Smoke test should touch all parts of the software and hence should be wide in coverage yet shallow.
  7. In depth testing should be avoided at all cost as the main idea is to detect if the testers are capable of conducting further tests on the software or not.

When to Perform Smoke Testing? Smoke testing should be done every time a new software has been created and the codes have been reviewed to check if the software is feasible for further testing procedure or for running, as a matter of fact. It is usually done in the initial phase of software development lifecycle when the software is not yet stable. Smoke test should be performed before the developers team releases the software to the tester and should be tested by the testers before taking the software ahead for further testing as it checks the crucial parts of the software to ensure that it is capable of running properly and that further testing is required. Smoke testing is essentially conducted in the acceptance testing, integration testing and system testing levels of the software testing lifecycle.

So that’s all you need to know about smoke testing and when the procedure is to performed and according to Microsoft it is the most economic method of detecting problems with the software. So it should be performed by everyone to avoid loss of capital in testing a software which is incapable of functioning normally.

Effective Ways to Prepare a Good Bug Report

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Effective Ways to Prepare a Good Bug Report

Before we strive to write a good bug report let’s think of why we write a bug report in the first place! The whole point of writing a bug report is to get the bug fixed so that the software becomes a better version of itself. So before you sit to write a bug report you need to do it in a manner where the developers will be clear about what’s wrong with the software and will be able to rectify it else your moral as well as reputation can be harmed.

Writing a bug report is a piece of cake, however, writing an effective bug report may not be as easy. In order to make your bug report effective you may consider following the below mentioned pointers.

  1. Having Clearly Specified Bug Number: It is very important that you number all your bug reports uniquely and in a chronological manner so that the bug can be easily identified and located. If you are utilizing any automatic bug reporting tool then the number will be generated automatically. Always keep a brief account of the bug report along with the unique identification number.
  2. Reproducible: The developers can’t rectify the bug if they can’t reproduce it. This is why it is very important that you mention clearly the steps to reproduce the bugs. This will allow the developers to follow the given steps and reproduce the bug so that they can verify the nature of the bugs and rectify it with ease.
  3. Be Specific: There is no point in writing an elaborate report of the bug. No one has the time to read it. When you are writing a bug report always be specific about the bug and write a report which is short, to the point and specific about the problems created by the bug you are reporting. Make sure to reproduce the bug multiple times, read the report before submission and avoid using abusive language.

There are some simple templates which you can follow in order to write a perfect and effective bug report.

  1. Reporter: This will have your details so the developer can contact you if necessary.
  2. Product: The product in which you found the bug.
  3. Version: Which version of the product was tested.
  4. Component: Various modules of the products.
  5. Platform: The platform in which the bug was detected.
  6. Operating System: The operating system in which the bug was detected.
  7. Priority: How quickly the bug should be attended to on a scale of P1 to P5.
  8. Severity: Here you will be discussing about the impact of the bug based on the following points.
  9. Status: mention whether the bug is a new one or an existing one which has popped up again.
  10. Assigned to: If you have any information about which developer is going to fix the bug, mention it in your report.
  11. URL: It is best if you can mention the URL of the page in which the bug was detected for ease of the developer to detect it and pin point it.
  12. Summary: A short yet to the point summary of the bug report always helps the developer to get a quick glance of the whole report and hence to identify how to rectify it.
  13. Description: Describe the bug which you are reporting.

These are some of the tips and tricks to prepare a good bug report which will be effective for developers.